Everything you need to get started and make the most of our app.
Before you can start using Claimlane Integration, you need to have a Claimlane account. If you don't have one yet, you can sign up for an account at claimlane.com.
Once you have your Claimlane account, you'll need to generate an API key to connect your account to Business Central. You can request one through your Claimlane contact. Your contact can also help you set up Claimlane so the integration works properly.
Internal and Flow tags are used to map data between Business Central and Claimlane. A rule for most of these tags in Claimlane is, that the Technical Label is what is the link between Claimlane and BC. For B2B, you create the tags this way:
Above tags are for B2B returns and claims. To setup tags for B2C, go to "Manage Company" - "Data Sources", click the 3 dots next to the data source you wish to edit and click "Configure". Click the "General Tags" button in the menu. Create the tags that you need to use. Only claim and return reasons are relevant for this integration.
Product data is used to map products between Business Central and Claimlane. To create a product data blueprint:
Follow these steps to install Claimlane Integration in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
In Business Central, search for Extension Marketplace. Once Marketplace has opened, search for "Claimlane Integration" and follow the on-screen setup guide.
You can also install the extension directly from the Microsoft AppSource.
Customize Claimlane Integration to match your business processes and requirements.
We recommend that you use the Assisted Setup wizard to configure Claimlane Integration in less than 10 minutes. To access the wizard, go to Assisted Setup in Business Central and follow the steps. See below for setup field definitions.
Claimlane API Key
Your Claimlane API key is required to connect your Claimlane account to Business Central. You can find your API key in your Claimlane account settings or request one through your Claimlane contact.
Company Identifier
The identifier for the company. You can use this to differentiate your tickets between multiple companies, if you do not have a Claimlane instance per company. It is recommended to have one Claimlane instance per company, and therefore separate API keys.
Debug Mode
If set to Yes, the requests and response objects will be saved in the Claimlane Commucation Log. This is useful for debugging purposes.
Create Whse. Documents
If set to Yes, the system will create warehouse documents for return orders, if location requires receipt.
Enable Item Sync
Enables synchronization of items between BC and Claimlane.
Max Product Request Size
The maximum size of product data that can be uploaded to Claimlane per request. This is used to split up large product data sets into multiple requests.
Full Override Next Item Upload
If set to Yes, the system will override all item data in Claimlane in next item synchronization, deletinng all items first. Use this if you want a "clean slate" in Claimlane.
Brand Table No.
If multiple brands are used, this field defines which table is used to map brands to Claimlane.
Brand Item Field No.
If multiple brands are used, choose what field defines the brand on the item table. The field must be related to the table selected in "Brand Table No.". If you only have one brand, you can leave this field empty.
Enable Customer Sync
Enables synchronization of customers between BC and Claimlane.
Max Invite Request Size
The maximum size of customer invite data that can be uploaded to Claimlane per request. This is used to split up large invite data sets into multiple requests.
B2B Email Field
Select what field on the customer the email address should be copied from when creating Claimlane Retailers. The value can be changed in the Claimlane Retailer list.
Enable Invoice Sync
Enables synchronization of invoices between BC and Claimlane Data Sources.
Use Base Unit
If set to Yes, the system will use the base unit of measure for the item when syncing invoices. If set to No, the system will use the unit of measure on the invoice line.
Max Invoice Request Size
The maximum size of invoice data that can be uploaded to Claimlane per request. This is used to split up large invoice data sets into multiple requests.
Enable Item Sync
Enables synchronization of items between BC and Claimlane. See Item Sync Setup for more details.
Enable Customer Sync
Enables synchronization of customers between BC and Claimlane.
B2B Order Missing Action
Defines what should be done if no related invoice can be found in the system.
Find Customer by Name
If set to true, system will attempt to find a customer by name if no customer number is found in data from Claimlane.
B2B Price Application
Defines what should be done if no price can be found from the matching invoice.
First: Uses unit price from the first found invoice line on the customer. Latest: Uses unit price from the latest invoice line.
Invoice No. Tag Label
Defines which tag to use to find item price based on Invoice No. If not set or not filled, the system will fallback to order no. logic.
There are numerous events throughout the application to help your BC partner customize the extension if needed.
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"TTU Document Handler", 'OnAfterModifyB2BSalesLine', '', false, false)] local procedure OnAfterModifyB2BSalesLineNew(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var LineNo: Integer) var K3PFSalesDocMgt: Codeunit "K3PF Sales Document Mgt."; SalesLine2: Record "Sales Line"; begin Clear(K3PFSalesDocMgt); SalesLine2 := SalesLine; K3PFSalesDocMgt.AssignToMatrixLine(SalesLine2); LineNo += 10000; end;
Yes, the app is extendable through Event Publishers and Event Subscribers. Use event subscribers in your app to extend functionality. See the Events section for more info.
You can edit the tags at any time by logging into Claimlane and going to the Data Management section. Internal and flow tags are customizable. Make sure that technical labels match the labels in BC for proper integration.